Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Nice photo/image of George Best on Tom Raworth's site, 25 November. http://tomraworth.com/notes/index.php

(& great photo of Creeley by Gloria Graham, April, 2005, New Mexico

Best was something else. In his prime, there were always three on him. The third was the hatchet-man. The so-called "beautiful game" began to get real ugly then. He was spiked running off the ball or with it.

Saw him once in a pub on Belsize Lane, Belsize Village. It was long ago.

As good as any introduction in paperback to those vanished days of First Division football is CLOUGH THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY (Corgi, first edition, 1995). And a piece in the Evening Standard for Tuesday, 21 September 2004 , p. 87, by Stan Bowles, on "Cloughie" titled "Genius or Madman" published the day after Brian Clough died.